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I am many things. Does anybody else have this problem?

Brand specialists say we must be consistent about the stories we tell. But where do we draw the line? I am a pianist, a poet and an alchemist. I am also a business person, software engineer and logician. I am as enthralled in the maze of logic as I am in the ocean of wonder.

I am many things.

My deepest insecurity is that each of these avenues of interest requires a lifetime of dedication, and here I am with only this life.

I envy single-minded people who say, “I’ve only done this one thing for 20 years.” I imagine they do not suffer from the torment of endless possibilities. Or maybe they do and have figured out a way of dealing with it.

I tried the “focus on one thing” idea. Although I made a lot of money, I felt like a soleless shoe. Quite simply, I see life as a tapestry of realities, with each thread yearning for investigation.

But now that I am thinking about it, the multiplicity of being is itself one thing.

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