Category: Newsletter

Recent thoughts and ideas about business, life and things we are often too shy to talk about

Perspectives on Love

In school, we are taught about different kinds of love. There is brotherly love, romantic love, filial, erotic, and so on. However, we seldom discuss the golden thread that weaves through all these categories. Worse, there’s also lust, which masquerades as love. What is the defining characteristic of lust, and when does it transform into love – if ever? This and more in today’s newsletter.

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Armpits. Why do we have them?

Today’s question is about armpits. Why do we have them? In 1859, Charles Darwin published a game-changing book called On the Origins of Species. Among the most prominent of his ideas is the notion that we adapt to our environment through natural selection. In other words, as the environment changes, our bodies also change to find more efficient ways of coping and thriving.

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